
Direct Factory Outlet


Our Services - Retail Design Management Tenancy Delivery Management

Client - Vicinity Centres

The Perth DFO (Direct Factory Outlets) is a major Retail complex and one of Perth's newest destination shopping precincts. It covers a lettable retail area of real estate consisting of 24,000 sq. m. We had the pleasure of being responsible for the retail design management and the full tenancy delivery of 113 tenancies. The Factory Outlet design concept has been taken to new design standards at the Perth DFO, with architectural detail and conceptual design inspired by flight and travel reflecting the nearby airport location.

Our brief was to provide the full Tenancy Co-ordination service for 114 tenancies, and the Retail Design Management of 40 tenancies. Our team of design and construction co-ordinators provided an ongoing service for the duration of the project, culminating in a fully-leased and ready to trade development set to go on opening day. The DFO Perth, is our 17th design and delivery management project in Australia and one we are especially proud of.


Testimonial from the DFO Development Manager “ Even today,  I am still pinching myself to think that 100% of tenancies were trading upon open.

dsld gave up on no-one (dragging even the most absent and disorganised tenants over the line). The effort and tenacity to achieve 100% trading on open was enormous and much of the credit for this achievement sits with the individuals working with us from dsld.”

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